Saturday, January 26, 2019

Morning Routine

This is your new morning routine.  If you choose to work out in the mornings, do this routine afterwards.               

1. Shower.  Use soap (duh).  Wash your hair.  Rinse.  You know, showering.


2. Shave.  I want that face smooth every day.  We’ll address the rest of your body hair another time.

3. Brush your teeth (this means floss and mouthwash, too.)

4. Perform your daily mantra: You must be naked, on your knees, in front of a full length mirror AFTER your daily hygiene routine.  Imagine you are speaking directly to me (or to your spouse or significant other if you have one); I would expect you to be clean and fully prepared in my presence.  This is no exception.  You will say this out loud, at a normal conversational volume – not shouting and not whispering – twenty times.  If you don't have a mirror, videotape yourself and upload it to your online folder.  If your living situation doesn’t permit reciting it out loud, you will hand-write the mantra twenty times and add the date, in pen, at the end of every line.  Photo evidence is expected of written submissions.

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